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Being Courageous

In Uncategorized on October 3, 2011 at 7:37 pm

Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure of witnessing the unfolding of the movie “Courageous” with a special group of people.

As we prepared for our Private Screening of this movie, I set up the FGF Table with sign-in sheet and all the banners.  For many reasons I was nervous about this event.  As I waited for the first person to arrive, I talked with Justin who is the Manager at the AMC Theater.  He eased my nerves by telling me that people are ALWAYS late to screenings.  And yesterday… WAS NO EXCEPTION! I decided to go and watch the movie after I got every one settled.

Without revealing too much of the movie, “Courageous” presents the life of someone we all know and love. Its plot showcases the multicultural truth of the fatherless epidemic. I was in complete awe of how EVERY aspect of being “Fatherless” was played out.  Man #1 was at home with his family but appeared disinterested in his children’s lives.  He sat in the chair with the remote control watching TV as his son came in the house from a run barking orders and did not move as his wife prepared the children for bed. Man #2 appeared to be a stable family man, but underneath it all there was real pain due to the fact he had grown up without EVER meeting his biological father.  He contributed his success to a man in his neighborhood who mentored him.  Man #3 is divorced and struggles with child support and visitation of his young son.  Man #4 is still dealing with the affects of his parents divorce and has a secret of his own. Man #5 has a family he loves, adores but struggles to financially support.

As the movie reveals the “proclamation”  and oaths are taken, you discover very quickly the power behind its purpose.  From this moment forward I couldn’t stop crying.  The message in this movie is so powerful you began to desire for men all over this world to rise up so we could have this feeling in our lives and not just in a movie!  One of the most profound quotes from the movie is when Man #1 says, “God wants me to call out the MAN in my son!”  By the end of the movie we witness the power of its message as men in OUR theater began to STAND with pride.  By the end of the movie the men in our theater cried as they released the pain and hugged one another for support!

I may not be a man, but I STAND in support of men all over this world who take the responsibility of Being Courageous.


Overcoming Challenges?

In Uncategorized on October 2, 2011 at 1:23 pm

Yesterday my heart was broken by the conversation I was blessed to have with two amazing little boys (9 &12 years old).  Both from a different set of circumstances, yet both side by side in my group representing “The Fatherless.”

The lesson this week posed two questions: 1. What do you like about who you are? And… 2. What are some challenges you have overcome in life?

As I went around the room speaking to each child in the group, I came upon boy #1.  He shared his answers with pride about question #1.  One of the things he loved about himself was the fact that he was creative. I love that about him too!  As we read the answers to question#2, he read the first answer and smiled. Then the second one posed a bit more challenging. He began to tear up as he disclosed the fact that he had overcome the challenges of his “Childhood.”  When I asked him to expound he began to actually cry as he said,” I lived on the streets when I was 4 years old until I was 6 years old.”  I was honored that he felt comfortable to share this with me as this was only the second time we had met .  One thing about him is he carries lots of pride, and I mean that in the best possible sense of the word. But at this moment I could see the hurt and pain within his eyes and how the experience itself he had overcome, but the trauma is still evident.

After the session was over, Mr. Harris and Mr. Andrew spoke to boy #1 and boy #2 privately.  Mr. Harris began to speak with passion to the point of emotion encouraging the two boys that they can be anything they so desire.  He shared his fatherless journey of loosing his dad to death at the age of 12. Mr. Harris explained the devastation of his fathers death upon his own life and how it hurt even the more because this was the time he needed his father the most. He told them what he saw in the two of them.  How he could see the representation of a Warrior in boy #2 and the representation of a King in boy #1.  I remember looking and listening intently as his definition and explanation was very powerful.  What he spoke moved both young boys to the point you could see pride rise up in both of their eyes as their postures changed representing a Warrior and a King!

The conversation turned, speaking to each boy one-on-one.  As we spoke to them about our personal sacrifices, boy #1 told us how he catches the bus to school and the length of time it takes him to get there.  We realized our King was making kingly decisions surrounding his education and how that in itself was profound!  We began to speak with him about endurance and perseverance and how what he was doing now was a reflection of what he would be able to do in life.

Boy #2 had never really said what his challenge was that he had overcome, so I took this moment to ask.  He said, “I am still attempting to overcome the challenge of my parents getting a divorce.”  I saw it in his eyes so I asked him the question, “Do you believe it is your fault that your parents got a divorce?” He said, “Yes!” And began to cry.  I then asked him why did he believe it was his fault.  He replied, “Because if my father loved me he would have stayed!” He then began to cry making a sound that would break anyone’s heart.  I sat in a chair next to him and allowed him to crawl up in my lap and release as much of the pain as he felt he could at that moment and time. I talked to him by whispering in his ear encouraging him to know that his parents divorce was not his fault.  Once he was finished, I sat him back in his seat and told him to listen to Mr. Harris once again.

These two remarkable little boys shared their challenges.  And through sharing their challenges, they were able to receive healing from a traumatic experience they were presently having.  Now I would not be so bold to say they are totally healed from their fatherless journeys, but I will say… THE PROCESS HAS BEGUN!